Michael D. Sohn

Michael D. Sohn

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
One Cyclotron Road
Mail Stop: 90R2002
Berkeley, California 94720 U.S.A




Academic Activities

Journal Publications

  1. Faulkner CA, Salsbury TI, Abboushi B, Mouchref C, Singer BC, Sohn MD, Arnold G. Comparison of effectiveness and energy use of airborne pathogen mitigation measures to meet clean air targets in a prototypical office building. Building and Environment, accepted 2024.
  2. Walker IS, Less BD, Lozinsky CH, Lorenzetti D, Casquero-Modrego N, Sohn MD. Compartmentalization and Ventilation System Impacts on Air and Contaminant Transport for Multifamily Buildings. International Journal of Ventilation, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1080/14733315.2024.2333669
  3. Faulkner CA, Jankowski DS, Castellini JE, Zuo W, Sohn MD. Comprehensive Analysis of Model Parameter Uncertainty Influence on Evaluation of HVAC Operation to Mitigate Indoor Virus: A Case Study for an Office Building in a Cold and Dry Climate. Building and Environment, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110314
  4. Faulkner CA, Jankowski DS, Castellini JE, Zuo W, Epple P, Sohn MD, Kasgari ATZ, Saad W. Fast Prediction of Indoor Airflow Distribution Inspired by Synthetic Image Generation Artifical Intelligence. Building Simulation, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12273-023-0989-1
  5. Castellini JE, Faulkner CA, Zuo W, Sohn MD. Quantifying Spatiotemporal Variability in Occupant Exposure to an Indoor Airborne Contaminant with an Uncertain Source Location. Building Simulation, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12273-022-0971-3
  6. Zhao H, Walker I, Sohn MD, Less B. A time-varying model for predicting formaldehyde emission rates in homes. Int. J. of Env. Research and Public Health, 2022, 19:6604: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19116603
  7. Faulkner CA, Castellini JE, Zuo W, Lorenzetti DM, Sohn MD. Investigation of HVAC operation strategies for office buildings during COVID-19 pandemic. Building and Environment, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108519
  8. Castellini JE, Faulkner CA, Zuo W, Lorenzetti DM, Sohn MD. Assessing the Use of Portable Air Cleaners for Reducing Exposure to Airborne Diseases in a Conference Room with Thermal Stratification. Building and Environment, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108441
  9. Faulkner CA, Castellini JE, Yingli L, Zuo w, Lorenzetti DM, Sohn MD. Tradeoffs among indoor air quality, financial costs, and CO2 emissions for HVAC operation strategies to mitigate indoor virus in U.S. office buildings. Building and Environment, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109282
  10. Walker I. Less B. Lorenzetti DM, Sohn MD. Development of Advanced Smart Ventilation Controls for Residential Applications. Energies 2021. https:// doi.org/10.3390/en14175257.
  11. Singer BC, Zhao H, Preble CV, Delp WW, Pantelic J, Sohn MD, Kirchstetter TW. An Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Overhead HVAC on Exposures to Emissions from Speaking in a Physically-Distanced Meeting and Classroom. Indoor Air, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1111/ina.12917
  12. Thacher, E., Carlson, T., Castellini, J., Sohn, M. D., Variano, E., Makiharju, S. A. (2021). Droplet and particle methods to investigate turbulent particle laden jets. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/02786826.2021.1959019
  13. Tang H, Chan WR, Sohn MD. Automating the interpretation of PM2.5 time-resolved measurements using a data-driven approach. Indoor Air, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1111/ina.12780
  14. Bieringer PE, Pina AJ, Lorenzetti DM, Jonker HJJ, Fry RN, Sohn MD. A Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Approach to Large Eddy Simulation (LES) for Transport and Contaminant Dispersion. Atmosphere 2021. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12070890
  15. Preble, CV; Chen, S Hotchi, T; Sohn, M; Maddalena, R; Russell, M; Brown, NJ; Scown, C; Kirchstetter, TW. Air pollutant emission rates for dry anaerobic digestion and composting of organic municipal solid waste, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2020. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.0c03953
  16. Sohn MD, Dunn LN. Exploratory Analysis of Energy Use Across Building Types and Geographic Regions in the United States. Frontiers in Built Environment, Section Urban Science, 2019, https://doi.org/10.3389/fbuil.2019.00105
  17. Coll C, Sohn MD, Lindim C, Sobek A, MacLeod M. Prospects for finding Junge variability-lifetime relationships for micropollutants in the Danube river. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1039/c9em00283a
  18. Sohn MD, Li X, Chan WR. Estimates of Pollutant temporal and spatial variability in commercial buildings from the Joint Urban 2003 Field Experiments. Indoor Air, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1111/ina.12626
  19. Sohn MD, Delp WW, Fry RN, Kim YS. Analysis of a Series of Urban-Scale Chlorine Dispersion Experiments and Implications on Indoor Health Consequences. Atmospheric Environment, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.05.010
  20. Dunn LN, Sohn MD, LaComarre KSH, Eto JH, Exploratory Analysis of High-Resolution Power Interupption Data Reveals Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity in Electric Grid Reliability. Energy Policy, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2019.01.042
  21. LaCommare KH, Eto JH, Dunn LN, Sohn MD. Eto JH, LaCommare KH, Sohn MD, Improving the Estimated Cost of Sustained Power Interruptions to Electricity Customers. Energy, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2018.04.082
  22. Tian W, Han X, Zuo W, Sohn MD. Building Energy Simulation Coupled with CFD for Indoor Environment: A Critical Review and Recent Applications. Energy and Buildings, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.01.046
  23. Tian W, Sevilla TA, Zuo W, Sohn MD. Coupling fast fluid dynamics and multizone airflow models in the Modelica Buildings Library to simulate dynamics of HVAC systems. Building and Environment, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2017.06.013
  24. Huang S, Zuo W, Sohn MD. A Bayesian network model for predicting cooling load of commercial buildings. Building Simulation An International Journal, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12273-017-0382-z
  25. Eto JH, LaCommare KH, Sohn MD, Caswell HC. Evaluating the performance of the IEEE Standard 1366 method for identifying major event days. IEEE PES Transactions on Power Systems, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPWRS.2016.2585978
  26. Wei M, Smith SJ, Sohn MD. Experience curve development and cost reduction disaggregation for fuel cell markets in Japan and the US, Applied Energy, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.01.056
  27. Huang S, Zuo W, Sohn MD. Improving cooling tower control of legacy chiller plans by optimizing the condenser water set point. Building and Environment, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2016.10.011
  28. Walter T, Sohn MD. A regression-based approach to estimating retrofit savings using the building performance database. Applied Energy, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.07.087
  29. Huang S, Malara A, Zuo W, Sohn MD. A Bayesian network model for the optimization of a chiller plant's condenser water set point. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1080/19401493.2016.1269133
  30. Smith SJ, Wei M, Sohn MD. A retrospective analysis of compact fluorescent lamps experience curves and their correlations to deployment programs. Energy Policy, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2016.09.023
  31. Wei M, Smith SJ, Sohn MD. Non-constant learning rates in retrospective experience curve analyses and their correlation to deployment programs. Energy Policy, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2017.04.035
  32. Granderson J, Touzani S, Custodio C, Sohn MD, Jump D, Fernandes S. Accuracy of automated measurement and verification techniques for energy savings in commercial buildings. Applied Energy, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.04.049
  33. Herring SJ, Batchelor S, Bieringer PE, Lingard B, Lorenzetti DM, Parker ST, Rodriguez L, Sohn MD, Steinhoff D, Wolski M. Providing pressure inputs to multizone buildings models. Building and Environment, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2016.02.012
  34. Zuo W, Huang S, Sohn MD. Amelioration of the cooling load based chiller sequencing control. Applied Energy, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.01.035
  35. Kiliccote S, Olsen D, Sohn MD, Piette MA. Characteriziation of demand response from commercial, industrial, and residential sectors, Wiley Interdisciplinary reviews: Energy and Environment, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1002/wene.176 DOE:10.1002/wene.176
  36. Dale LL, Karali N, Millstein D, Carnall M, Vicuna S, Borchers N, Bustos E, O'Hagan J, Purkey D, Heaps C, Sieber J, Collins WD, Sohn MD. An Integrated Assessment of Water Energy and Climate Change in Sacramento California: How Strong is the Nexus? Climatic Change, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-015-1370
  37. Granderson J, Price PN, Jump D, Addy N, Sohn MD. Automated measurement and verification: Performance of public domain whole-building electric baseline models. Applied Energy, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.01.026
  38. Mathew PA, Dunn LN, Sohn MD, Mercado A, Custudio C, Walter T. Big-Data for building energy perfomance: Lessons from assembling a vary large national database of building energy use. Applied Energy, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.11.042
  39. Walter T, Price PN, Sohn MD. Uncertainty estimation improves energy measurement and verification procedures. Applied Energy, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.05.030
  40. Bonvini M, Piette MA, Granderson J, Wetter M, Sohn MD. Robust on-line fault detection diagnosis for HVAC components based on nonlinear state estimation techniques. Applied Energy, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.03.009
  41. Wang Y, Sohn MD, Gadgil AJ, Wang Y, Lask KM, Kirchstetter TW. How many replicate tests do I need? - Variability of cookstove performance and emissions has implications for obtaining useful results. Energy for Sustainable Development, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esd.2014.02.002
  42. Ookie M, Nasr A, Cappers P, Denholm P, Dudley J, Goli S, Hummon M, Kilicotte S, MacDonald J, Matson N, Olsen D, Rose C, Sohn MD, Starke M, Kirby B, O'Malley M. Demand response for ancillary services. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1109/TSG.2013.2258049
  43. Shin HM, McKone TE, Sohn MD, Bennett DH. Tracking contributions to human body burden of environmental chemicals by correlating environmental measurements with biomarkers. PLOS One, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0093678
  44. Herrmann IT, Mauschild MZ, Sohn MD, McKone TE. Confronting uncertainty in LCA used for decision support. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12085
  45. Parker ST, Lorenzetti DM, Sohn MD. Implementing state-space methods for multizone contaminant transport. Building and Environment, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2013.09.021
  46. Breen MS, Schultz BD, Sohn MD, Long T, Langstaff J, Williams R, Isaacs K, Meng QY, Stallings C, Smith L. A Review of Air Exchange Rate Models for Air Pollution Exposure Assessments. J. Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1038/jes.2013.30
  47. Lorenzetti DM, Dols WS, Persily AK, Sohn MD. A stiff, variable time step transport solver for CONTAM. Building and Environment, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2013.05.008
  48. Walter T, Lorenzetti DM, Sohn MD. Siting samplers to minimize expected time to detection. Risk Analysis, 2012. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1539-6924.2012.01820
  49. Najafi M, Auslander DM, Bartlett PL, Haves P, Sohn MD. Application of machine learning in the fault diagnostics of air handling units. Applied Energy 2012. https://doi.org/j.apenergy.2012.02.049
  50. Najafi M, Auslander DM, Haves P, Sohn MD. A statistical pattern analysis framework for rooftop unit diagnostics. HVAC and R Research, 2012. https://doi.org/10.1080/10789669.2011.607881
  51. Lorenzetti DM, Sohn MD. Numerical solution of the Polanyi-DR isotherm in linear driving force models. Environmental Science and Technology, 2011. https://doi.org/10.1021/es202359j
  52. Sreedharan P, Sohn MD, Nazaroff WW, Gadgil AJ. Towards improved characterization of high-risk releases using heterogeneous sensor systems. Building and Environment, 2011. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2010.08.006
  53. Price PN, Sohn MD, LaCommare K, McWilliams J. Framework for Evaluating Anthrax Risk in Buildings. Environmental Science and Technology, 2009. https://doi.org/10.1021/es802506p
  54. Erickson V, Lin Y, Kamthe A, Brahme R, Cerpa A, Sohn MD, Narayanan S. Energy efficient building environment control strategies using real-time occupancy measurements. In Proceedings of the ACM BuildSys Conference. Berkeley, California, November 4-6, 2009. https://doi.org/10.1145/1810279.1810284. \emph{This field archives publications in conference proceedings.}
  55. Schenker U, Scheringer M, Sohn MD, Maddalena RL, McKone TE, Hungerbuhler K. Using information on uncertainty to improve environmental fate modeling: A case study of DDT. Environmental Science and Technology, 2009. https://doi.org/10.1021/es801161x
  56. Redding LE, Sohn MD, McKone TE, Wang S-L, Hsieh PH, Yang RSH. Population physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling for the human lactational transfer of PCB 153 with consideration of worldwide human biomonitoring results. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2009. https://doi.org/10.1289/ehp.11519
  57. Price PN, Gadgil AJ, Sohn MD. Trade-offs between moving and stationary particle collectors for detecting a bio-agent plume. Atmospheric Environment, 2007. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.09.048
  58. Sreedharan P, Sohn MD, Nazaroff WW, Gadgil AJ. Influence of indoor transport and mixing times scales on the performance of sensor systems for characterizing contaminant releases. Atmospheric Environment, 2007. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.08.039
  59. Sohn MD, Lorenzetti DM. Siting bio-samplers in buildings. Risk Analysis, 2007. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1539-6924.2007.00929
  60. Sohn MD, Apte MG, Sextro RG, Lai ACK. Predicting size-resolved particle behavior in multizone buildings. Atmospheric Environment, 2007. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.10.010
  61. Jayaraman B, Finlayson EU, Sohn MD, Thatcher TL, Price PN, Wood EE, Sextro RG, Gadgil AJ. Tracer gas transport under mixed convection conditions in an experimental atrium: Comparison between experiments and CFD predictions. Atmospheric Environment, 2006. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.04.021
  62. Sreedharan P, Sohn MD, Gadgil AJ, Nazaroff WW. Systems approach to evaluating sensor characteristics for real-time monitoring of high-risk indoor contaminant releases. Atmospheric Environment, 2006. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.01.052
  63. Chan WR, Nazaroff WW, Price PN, Sohn MD, Gadgil AJ. Analyzing a database of residential air-leakage in the United States. Atmospheric Environment, 2005. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.01.062
  64. Maddalena RL, McKone TE, Sohn MD. Standardized approach for developing probabilistic exposure factor distributions. Risk Analysis, 2004. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0272-4332.2004.00518
  65. Sohn MD, McKone TE, Blancato JN. Reconstructing population exposures from dose biomarkers: Inhalation of trichloroethylene (TCE) as a case study. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 2004. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.jea.7500314
  66. Sohn MD, Sextro RG, Gadgil AJ, Daisey JM. Responding to sudden pollutant releases in office buildings: 1. Framework and analysis tools. Indoor Air, 2003. https://doi.org/10.1034/j.1600-0668.2003.00183
  67. Sohn MD, Reynolds P, Singh N, Gadgil AJ. Rapidly locating and characterizing pollutant releases in buildings: An application of Bayesian data analysis. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 2002. https://doi.org/10.1080/10473289.2002.10470869
  68. Sohn MD, Small MJ, Pantazidou M. Reducing uncertainty in site characterization using Bayes Monte Carlo methods. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2000. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(2000)126:10(893)
  69. Sohn MD, Small MJ. Parameter estimation of unknown air exchange rates and effective mixing volumes from tracer gas measurements for complex multi-zone Indoor Air models. Building and Environment, 1998. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0360-1323(98)00022-5

Refereed National Reports and Book Chapters

  1. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing Air Pollution Dispersion Models for Emissions Regulation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/27183
  2. DOE 2021. National Virtual Biotechnology Laboratory Report on Rapid R\&D Solutions to the COVID-19 Crisis.
  3. Sohn MD, Delp WW, Russell M (2023) Tracer Gas Deployment and Measurement in an Urban Environment. LBNL report for US Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology.
  4. Sohn MD, Delp WW, Russell M (2023) Joint Urban Dispersion Experiment. LBNL report for US DoD Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Chem/Bio Informatics.
  5. Less B, Walker I, Lorenzetti D, Mills E, Dutton S, Sohn M, Li X, Clark J, Sherman M (2020). Smart Ventilation for Advanced California Homes. LBNL Report.
  6. Aghajanzadeh A, Sohn MD, Berger MA, Bauer DJ (2019). Water-Energy Considerations in Californian's Agricultural Sector and Opportunities Provide Flexibility to California's Grid. LBNL Report for DOE Strategic Analysys.
  7. Alstone P, Potter J, Piette MA, Schwartz P, Berger MA, Dunn LN, Smith SJ, Sohn MD, Aghajanzadeh A, Stensson S, Szinai J, Walter T, McKenzie L, Lavin L, Schneiderman B, Mileva A, Cutter E, Olson A, Bode JL, Ciccone A, Jain A (2017). 2025 California Demand Response Potential Study - Charting California's Demand Response Future: Final Report on Phase 2 Results. LBNL report to the California Public Utility Commission.
  8. Alstone P, Potter J. Piette MA, Schwartz P, Berger MA, Dunn LN, Smith SJ, Sohn MD, Aghajanzadeh A, Stensson S, Szinai J (2016). 2025 California Demand Response Potential Study: Charting California’s Demand Response Future. Phase 1 Results. LBNL report to the California Public Utility Commission.
  9. Berger MA, Hans L, Piscopo K, Sohn MD (2016). Exploring the Energy Benefits of Advanced Water Metering. LBNL report to US DOE.
  10. Sohn MD, Delp WW (2016). Final Report, The Jack Rabbit II Project’s Impacts on Emergency Responders Catastrophic Releases of Liquefied Compressed Chlorine 2015-2016 At Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. LBNL report to US Department of Transportation.
  11. Granderson J, Touzani S, CustodioCY, Sohn MD, Fernandes S, Jump DA (2015). Assessment of Automated Measurement and Verification (M\&V) Methods. LBNL report.
  12. Price PN, Granderson J, Sohn MD, Addy NJ, Jump DA (2013). Commercial Building Energy Baseline Modeling Software: Performance Metrics and Method Testing with Open Source Models and Implications for Proprietary Software Testing. LBNL report.
  13. Sohn MD, Walter T, Dunn LN, Mathew PA (2013). Data analysis and visualization methods for the DOE building performance database: Options and considerations. LBNL report to DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies Office.
  14. Olsen DJ, Matson N, Sohn MD, Rose C, Dudley J, Goli S, Kiliccote S, Hummon M, Palchak D, Jorgenson J, Denholm P (2013). Scoping the Potential for Demand Response Participation in Ancillary Services 1: DR Estimation and Input into the PLEXOS Production Cost Model. Joint LBNL and NREL report to DOE.
  15. Olsen, DJ, Matson N, Sohn MD, Rose C, Dudley J, Goli S, Kiliccote S, Hummon M, Palchak D, Denholm P, Jorgenson J, Ma O (2013). Grid Integration of Aggregated Demand Response, Part 1: Load Availability Profiles and Constraints for the Western Interconnection. Joint LBNL and NREL report to DOE.
  16. Chan WR, Sohn MD. Computing toxic load for shelter-in-place analysis using Joint Urban 2003. LBNL report number requested, 2012.
  17. Aghajanzadeh A, Sohn MD, Berger MA, Bauer DJ (2012). Water-Energy Considerations in California's Agricultural Sector and Opportunities to Provide Flexibility to California’s Grid. LBNL report to DOE.
  18. Apte MG, Mendell MJ, Sohn MD, Berkeley PM, Dutton SM, and Spears M (2011). Balancing energy conservation and occupant needs in ventilation rate standards for ``Big Box'' stores in California: Predicted indoor air quality and energy consumption using a matrix of ventilation scenarios. LBNL report to the California Institue for Energy and Environmetnal for the California Energy Commission.
  19. Sohn MD, Black DR, and Delp WW (2011). Support to DHS Chemical Detection Field Testing and Countermeasures Studies. LBNL report to US Department of Homeland Security.
  20. Goth-Goldstein R, Russell ML, Li D, Muller AP, Caleffi M, Eschiletti J, Graudenz M, Sohn MD (2010). Role of CYP1B1 in PAH-DNA Adduct Formation and Breast Cancer Risk. LBNL report.
  21. Price PN, McKone TE, Sohn MD (2008). Carbon sequestration risks and risk management. LBNL report to the California Energy Commission Public Interest Energy Research (PIER).
  22. Gadgil AJ, Sohn MD, Sreedharan P (2008). Rapid data assimilation in the indoor environment: Theory and examples from real-time interpretation of indoor plumes of airborne chemicals. Invited chapter in Air Pollution Modeling and its Applications XIX, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C, edited by Borrego C and Miranda AI. Springer Sciences, 2008.
  23. Sohn MD, Delp WW, Lorenzetti DM (2007). Collective Protection Model. LBNL report to Dugway Proving Grounds, Utah.
  24. LaCommare KH, McWilliams JA, Sohn MD (2006). LBNL Assessment of Literature Related to the 2001 Anthrax Attacks. LBNL report to the US Department of Homeland Security.
  25. Maddalena RL, Macleod M, McKone TE, Sohn MD (2006). Prospective Hazard Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis for Buckminsterfullerene in the Environment. LBNL Report.
  26. Apte MG, Gundel LA, Hammond SK, Dod RL, Russell ML, Singer BC, Sohn MD, Sullivan DP, Chang G, Sextro RG (2004). Indoor measurements of environmental tobacco smoke. LBNL report to the Tobacco Related Disease Research Program
  27. Price PN, Chang S, Sohn MD (2004). Characterizing buildings for airflow models: What should we measure?. LBNL report.
  28. Price PN, Sohn MD, Gadgil AJ, Delp WW, Lorenzetti DM, Finlayson EU, Thatcher TL, Sextro RG, Derby EA, Jarvis SA (2003). Protecting Buildings From a Biological or Chemical Attack: actions to take before or during a release. LBNL report.
  29. Price PN, Delp W, Sohn MD, Thatcher TL, Lorenzetti DM, Sextro RG, Gadgil AJ, Derby EA, Jarvis SA (2002). Advice for first responders to a building during a chemical or biological attack. LBNL report.
  30. Price PN, Lorenzetti DM, Gadgil AJ, Sohn MD, Delp WW, Jarvis S (2002). Information for first responders to a chemical or biological attack. LBNL report.
  31. Thatcher TL, McKone TE, Fisk WJ, Sohn MD, Delp WW, Riley WJ, Sextro RG (2001). Factors affecting the concentration of outdoor particles indoors (COPI): Identification of data needs and existing data. LBNL Report.
  32. Lorenzetti DM, Sohn MD (2000). Improving speed and robustness of the COMIS solver. LBNL report.
  33. Sullivan MJ, El-Sururi S, Sohn MD, Custance SR (1997). Using SESOIL to predict groundwater concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons. Invited chapter in SESOIL in Environmental Fate and Risk Modeling, edited by Bonazountas M, Hetrick DM, Kostecki PT, and Calabrese EJ. Amherst Scientific Publishers, Amherst, MA, 1997.
  34. Sullivan MJ, Deseran TM, Sohn MD, Custance SR, El-Sururi S, Ryer-Powder J (1997). Evaluation of diesel in soil and groundwater using environmental fate and transport modeling: A SESOIL case study. Invited chapter in SESOIL in Environmental Fate and Risk Modeling, edited by Bonazountas M, Hetrick DM, Kostecki PT, and Calabrese EJ. Amherst Scientific Publishers, Amherst, MA, 1997.
  35. \end{enumerate}